We have been a member of Dawn's Family Tree since 2016 and have thoroughly enjoyed every moment. When our journey started, we had a one year old and a 5 year old. Prior to coming to Dawn's Family Tree, our infant had experienced some minor health issues with the larger daycare facilities that unfortunately would land us at the pediatrician's at least once a month. Ms. Dawn and staff are very meticulous when it comes to the cleanliness of their facility and take the utmost concern when a child becomes ill to ensure that they do not expose others. Well, after 4 years, that same child is now thriving and outside of an annual wellness check and a rare sick call, we are blessed to have a healthy 5 year old. Our oldest was just beginning kindergarten at the time we joined Ms. Dawn's Family Tree and the before and after care services provided were beyond our expectations. Ms. Dawn and staff always go the extra mile to make sure that your child is receiving the care they deserve.
Fast forward to 2020...my husband and I could not be more pleased with the services we have received over the past 4 years. Dawns' Family Tree has prepared our 5 year old for kindergarten by making sure she knows all the basics such as numbers, letters, colors, shapes, writing and even the latest achievement of tying shoes.
Sadly, our journey will be ending soon once the school year begins. But for those fortunate enough to be a part of Dawn's Family Tree, you won't be disappointed.
We love you and wish the most success for you!!!